On previous posts -
Monte lost his wallet - where could it be?
Isaac enjoyed his gifts, but Audrey wanted to sleep - did she ever get her nap? Did she realize that she had fun stuff?
Monte received an iPod - is it up and running yet? Does he have a case for it?
Kath received scrapbook supplies - has she had time to use any of it?
*cue opening music*So even though I had spent 2 hours searching the rented van, I somehow missed a recess in the front console. In my defense, it was very angled and very dark - a flashlight couldn't illuminate the whole compartment due to the angle. So Monte found it before we returned the van.
Audrey loves her little 4-wheeler. She and Isaac love to chase each other around downstairs with it. She also loves her butterfly rocker, and no longer has to fight Isaac for his Stanley Snail.
After having to spend another insane amount of money on a new OS, Monte has his iPod loaded up. However, he didn't like the case he purchased, so it's back to the store for a new one. He obviously doesn't want to carry it around without a case, so that'll be purchased soon.
I have used my sticker maker a lot - way more than Monte thought I would. I have also used my new pens and ribbon, so I'm doing well. I still don't have nearly the time I want to devote to scrapping, but every little bit is worth it.
More after this brief interruption from Audrey.