While I was pregnant with Audrey, I started thinking about cloth diapering. But everything I read was so confusing, and I had no idea what all the different options were. And I wasn't any closer to deciding when she was born, and then I was already using disposables, so I felt like the investment wouldn't pay off.
Fast forward to now. Of course, if I'd started using cloth over two years ago, they would have paid for themselves by now, and using them with Quentin would have been virtually free.
So when my friend decided to give cloth a try, I picked her brain - I learned all of the jargon, and figured out what I would want. While I don't believe all the hyperbole about the cost savings (I really do not spend $1000/year on diapers), or even the environmental effect (cloth diapers still need to be made and washed), I do believe there is some benefit.
The day of Quentin's four-month well-visit, I stopped by a local children's shop and purchased a few to test out. Tell me these aren't the cutest diapers you've ever seen!

I love them, but I discovered that they were a little more expensive than the ones I really wanted (that aren't available at the local shop), and availability was hit or miss. I wanted to support the local economy, but I couldn't find exactly what I wanted around here, so I ended up ordering Fuzzi Bunz from
Squishy Tushy, out of Blissfield, Michigan. I love the fun colors!

I thought that maybe cloth would be a pain because of the extra laundry and more frequent changes, but the adjustment has been minimal. I wash a load at night, and stuff and fold them to be ready in the morning. Quentin and Audrey wear the same size, so I don't have to worry about sorting them, which is very nice. I change each's diaper once more per day than with disposables, and they both are so much more pleasant during the change so they go quicker, so it hasn't taken that extra time that I feared. They are bulkier than disposables, so I can't fit as many in the diaper bag, but I almost never need more than one change per kid in an outing anyway. If I plan on being out longer, I just stick more in a plastic bag and keep that in the van.
Overall, I love using cloth. Maybe I'm not saving that much money, and maybe they're not as good for the environment as some people claim, but my kids are happier in them, and they're so cute! One last picture: