Sunday, October 21, 2007

Incredibly busy week

LAst Sunday, I decided to drive down to Lexington, Kentucky, to see Monte. He has been down there for work for five weeks, with only a couple of visits home. Even though he was working 12-hour days, and I knew I wouldn't see him much, I decided a little bit of time was better than nothing.

While technically I had nothing major going on from Sunday until Wednesday night, I had a lot of work that I should have done for the kids' programming, plus review that I needed to do to run the projector for adult service. That's right, I volunteered for that, too. Plus, I have curtains that still need to be finished, a Halloween costume to start (I have at least cut the pattern), and a birthday party to finalize.

We had a great time in Kentucky, and I managed to keep all of my other duties to the back of my mind, but coming home was too much of a reality check. I arrived back just in time to put together Sunday's presentation, but not very well - it was my first time, and someone was supposed to be there to walk me through it, and she wasn't. So I planned on arriving early Sunday to clean it up. Thursday was take the kids to the beach so I don't kill them day, and Friday was spent preparing learning materials for the alternate kids' worship leader (but they didn't work, so it was a lot of wasted time - sorry, Bec). Saturday was a baby shower for Sarah, which was fun, and then I rushed home to get the babysitter back to her house, briefly cleaned, and then spent a couple of hours with Ken (more in a different post). Then the kids went to bed, and I finished up more church stuff and went to bed at 10:30.

The plan was to wake at 7, leave for church at 8:15, and tie up a few loose ends before anyone needed me. I didn't set my alarm, since the kids serve as my alarm clock, rarely letting me sleep past 7. Oops - I didn't wake up until 8, and we ended up leaving the house at 8:45 - the time I was really supposed to be at church. I actually did get everything done, when I needed to, but I was so frazzled. It was great, though, to sit through service and know that I was done for the day.

I came home from church and decided to set aside all responsibility and just be a mom. I was not going to be a wife, daughter, sister, neighbor, friend, housekeeper, seamstress, laundress, or anything else except the immediate needs of me and my kids (food and potty). Audrey took a nap, Isaac and I played golf and basketball, we ate lunch, danced to Trans-Siberian Orchestra, took a walk to the park, played more basketball, ate dinner, and now we're winding down before bed.

It feels good to recharge. Especially since this is another busy week. Curtains and costume still need to be done, more work for church is needed, and Audrey's party is still not fully planned. But I'll sleep well tonight and start afresh tomorrow.

1 comment:

karen said...

I am sure the kids LOVED having a day where you were just mom!