Wednesday, September 03, 2008

My preschooler

Today was Isaac's first day of preschool! It was only an hour long today, instead of the full 2.5 hours, just to get kids warmed up to the idea. One parent was allowed to stay, since both parents would have made the room too crowded and overwhelmed the kids. So Monte was the one who took him.

Monte said that Isaac did really well - he sat and listened when he was supposed to, he got along with the other kids, and seemed interested in everything around him. He even talked to the girl in the class :)

So here are some pictures of my big boy:

About the only person who was not excited for Isaac to go to school today was Audrey. She cried as Monte and Isaac pulled out of the drive, and then continued to cry as she wandered around the house. She finally gave up searching for him, crawled into bed, and promptly fell asleep.

And just because she's so cute and silly, here's a picture of her today:


karen said...

That is so sweet that she was upset. Glad to hear he enjoyed his first day. Wow, Audrey looks tan.

Anonymous said...

What is with the boots?? She is always so adorable! She sure looks like her mom!! Can't wait to hug her again. And you, too. And your husband. And the Pre-School Boy!