Thursday, October 30, 2008

Busy fall

After a few false alarms, I went into the hospital October 3 for a scheduled c-section. Seriously, if one has to have a c-section, that's the way to do it. I was well-rested, I didn't have to go in at an obscene hour, and it was over so quickly. Monte and I had time to get before pictures, he was able to run and get snacks, I worked on Sudoku puzzles, and it was just a relaxing morning before the surgery.

Of course, as with any surgery, there was concern about the procedure. I hate needles and knives, so I was not looking forward to getting poked and sliced open. But the nurses and my doctor and the anesthesiologist were so nice and reassuring. I walked into the OR at 11:40, and a mere 25 minutes later, Quentin made his entrance into the world.

He was the goopiest baby I've had, and also the biggest, weighing in at 9 lbs 2 oz. He was 22 inches long, with a 15 inch head circumference. I am so thankful for c-sections. Have I mentioned that before?

A nurse brought him to me fairly quickly so that I could kiss him, and then, after a few more tests and a little wipe-down, she brought him back so I could hold him. He was only half an hour old - I've never been able to hold my babies that soon after birth. He stayed with me as I was wheeled into recovery (I have no idea where Monte was), and then he was placed in the bassinet, in the recovery room with me! I was able to start nursing him at an hour old, which is almost unheard of with c-sections.

I was so worried that I wouldn't have a great birth story with this one, since it was lacking the elements of surprise I'd had with the other two. But I wouldn't have wanted this one any other way. It was perfect, and so is Quentin Matthew Herford.

See how relaxed we are?

Proud parents

Loving siblings

Super cute baby

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